Slow Money SLO encourages everyone to get involved in the local food system, whether that is through our organization, or out in the community. We have many ideas on how you can participate from gift cards to local restaurants, to shopping at locally owned grocers, to stopping by our county farmers' markets. Opportunities to to support local food and farming businesses are plentiful in our area!

If you are not ready to get more involved with Slow Money SLO but still wish to participate in growing local businesses, start by buying their gift cards, even if for yourself. Tell friends about great local products for eating and drinking. Farm to table restaurants, local breweries, wineries, cideries, and more are ready to entice you with their fresh, innovative, and delicious products!

The benefits of shopping at locally owned grocery stores are multi-fold. By shopping at these stores, your dollars stay in the local economy, rather than being sent to corporate headquarters. AND, local grocers buy from local farmers and producers, so you get fresher food. AND locally owned grocers often stock many more organic products than your chain grocers - good for you and good for the planet! We could go on listing the benefits, but we'll just let you go see for yourselves! Check out our growing list of locally owned stores!

The agricultural legacy and abundance of our county makes for some great week day and/or weekend farmers market hauls! Many of our small farmers can be found most days of the week at the 15 markets. Stop by and be amazed by what growers and producers have ready for you! Another reason to stop by - many markets accept EBT benefits, making fresh local food that much more accessible! Check out the list of county markets, and happy shopping!