Slow Money aims to extend our impact as widely as possible. We are a small but industrious organization of staff and volunteers with deep commitment to community health: healthy soil, healthy food, healthy economy. Your generosity will enable various aspects of our operations including staff development, communications, nonprofit administration, Farm to School programming, event planning, and more!
Note: Slow Money SLO received 501c3 nonprofit status in 2017 and can make our EIN available to any donor upon request.
Our mission driven work looks like:
Food & Farming Business Support
We connect businesses to one another and to resources.
Support growth & ease operational challenges.
We connect small farms to institutional buyers.
We market, promote and connect small businesses to retail buyers.
Farm to School sales and education.
Harvestly Market online sales opportunity, offering doorstep delivery to retail customers.
Food Tasting & Networking Events
Events are typically free to the public
Community members get to know new & upcoming businesses & owners.
Outreach & Promotion
Newsletters, social media, and community events, promote food enterprises.
Supplemental marketing extends business' reach to more community members.
​Slow Money SLO accomplishes our non-profit mission by promoting and encouraging local food consumption and by providing support to those who feed us. We have been assisting and promoting local, small food, farm, and beverage enterprises since 2012. We are able to do this work because of you and your support.
If these impacts sound like some that are worth your investment, please donate above or below!